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There are many ways to engage with the heart of our faith community

We know it can be hard to join a new faith community for worship so we want to give you some information to help you feel welcome on a Sunday morning.


  • We are an Open and Affirming Congregation and everyone is welcome into the full life and ministry of our church regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexuality, ability, ethnicity, economic, educational or citizenship status. 

  • Children are welcome into worshipWe will begin our fall program year on September 15th with a new spiritual development opportunity for all starting at 9:45AM. Children will remain in the sanctuary during worship, and we joyfully celebrate their presence among us!

  • We offer hearing assists and are fully wheelchair accessible

  • We worship in a traditional Protestant style though we are not formal.  We often use a variety of worship forms that allow different spiritual styles and needs to find something that feels "mmm, mmm, good."

  • We are theologically progressive and we love Jesus. Read more here

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Autumn Leaves

Sunday Morning Worship

10:30 am

In-Person and On-Line

Watch Live or check out previous Sundays on our YouTube Chanel.

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Serving Others

As we recover from the Pandemic there are ways you can become involved during in-person worship if you feel safe.

Here are some Sunday morning opportunities that you can do for one or more weeks at a time.

  • Readers & Liturgists

  • Communion Servers

  • Ushers & Greeters

  • Special Music and Choir

  • Sanctuary Arts

  • Card Ministry & Altar Flowers

Ministry Teams

Beyond our Building

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